About Us

Who We are

About US

Dusty is a multi-fascinated individual with a diverse range of skills and experiences. He is the host of the popular “Dustin, The Wind” podcast, where he shares fascinating stories of his travels and the people he meets along the way.
Dusty is also a first time author, having written the book “Joyful Displeasures,” which explores the beauty of life’s imperfections and finding joy in unexpected places. In an earlier life he was an accomplished All-American wrestler, a skydiver, and yoga addict. Dusty is a vinyasa yoga teacher who aims to bring balance and peace to his life and those around him.
Dusty’s passion for adventure has taken him to some of the most remote and breathtaking locations around the world. With an insatiable curiosity and a restless spirit, he never stays in one place for too long, always eager to discover something new and exciting.

European cycling journey: In 2015, Dusty solo-cycled across 13 countries in Western Europe during the fall and winter, covering 2,500 miles in three months. He predominantly slept in his tent along the, sometimes just spreading out his sleeping bag in roadside bushes. Along the way, he stopped in Spain for three weeks to earn my skydiving license.

All Hands and Hearts: Dusty volunteered twice with All Hands and Hearts, a disaster relief organization, once in the Florida Keys in 2017 and again in the Virgin Islands in 2018. Through these experiences, he gained a firsthand understanding of the importance of helping others in need, especially if the only reward is a sense of fulfillment and gratitude.

Armenia: In late 2020, Dusty traveled alone to Armenia, a country at war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. There, he met a soldier named Sam who had fought in the trenches and survived the war. Together, with the support of Dusty’s friends and family, they completed renovations on Sam’s house to operate as a bed and breakfast, and used leftover funds to feed families affected by the war. Dusty and Sam remain friends to this day.

50 states in 50 days: In the summer of 2021, Dusty embarked on a 50 States in 50 Days solo road trip of the United States, covering all 50 states in his 2004 Chrysler minivan. As part of his journey, he interviewed at least one person per day in each state and shared the interviews on his podcast and social media pages. Additionally, Dusty ran 7 marathons during the trip, completing one for each week of the journey, from Mystic to Maui.

Peru/Bolivia: Dusty has spent a total of 8 months in the Peruvian Andes and 3 months backpacking solo in Bolivia since 2021. During his time in Peru, Dusty was busy teaching yoga, running ultramarathons, and diving into psychedelics while also writing and podcasting. He has traveled to Peru five times since his first visit in April 2021, and the country has felt like  home to him for the past two years.